The Quirky Quillers Collective is a friendly, inclusive group of like-minded people who get together to share inspiration, learn new skills, make friendships and connections… and most importantly make time for more quilling in our lives! 

It includes: 

  • Online live workshops & quill-alongs
  • Pre-recorded videos – a growing collection, starting with 10 projects to make
  • New designs every month, from quick quilling to larger projects
  • Suitable from beginner to advanced
  • Quilling Clinic – submit questions for help any time
  • Monthly member magazine via email
  • Facebook group
  • Co-quilling sessions, so you can craft on your own projects and chat with others
  • 10% discount in The Quirky Quillers shop
  • Group projects, competitions and collaborations to get involved in

I am here to guide and inspire you along your paper quilling journey. Whether you are a total beginner, or a seasoned expert, you will be made to feel very welcome in our friendly, creative community.

I’m Rachel.

I adore pattern and colour, my rescue cats, books, being in my pyjamas and amazing vegan food. I use far too many exclamation marks in my writing!!!

I’m at my happiest when I’m making things, thinking about making things or talking about making things.

Crafting has always meant so much to me throughout my life, and I want to help you to discover the magic too.

Even as a child who was very shy and awkward, making things alongside others was a way to make connections or escape from the world, depending on how I was feeling. It was something I was good at, could share in, and find common ground with people.

A number of years ago, during some really hard times in my personal life, getting involved in craft activities gave me some time to take my mind away from everything else that was going on. It was a time out, an unofficial therapy with something tangible at the end, and gave me space to build up my strength to carry on.

Being part of a crafty, creative community can be something special. We’re generally a really great group of people! Generous of spirit, eager to share skills and knowledge. I knew I had found my people.

I enjoy making all sorts of paper-based goodies, but even better is helping you make your own! When I started to run workshops six years ago, it was really something special. Seeing the happiness and pride on people’s faces, friendships formed, and skills developed was the most rewarding experience. Every workshop was well-received, and the feedback was heart-warming and wonderful to hear.

I’d love you to join me on our mission to inspire and encourage others to enrich their lives with more creativity, and to find community and connection with other crafters.